Earnings Disclaimer

Any earnings or income statements or examples referenced on this website or the products sold or linked to from this website are only estimates and have no bearing on what you may or may not be able to earn by applying the same training.

There is no assurance you will do as well and there is no liability accepted by the publisher, site owner or authors of the information.

You undertake to accept all the risk when applying what you're read here and in the products offered for sale.

Where specific figures are mentioned and attributed to an individual or business, those persons or businesses also accept no liability from any actions taken with the information supplied.

Any and all claims or representations as to income earnings on ed-Educate.com are not to be considered as average earnings.

There is no assurance that any prior success or past results as to income levels can be used as an indication of future results.

The ability to generate an income from this training is determined by many different factors, all of which are beyond the control of the people supplying this training.

We have no control over how well you will do as we don't know your background, your work ethics or the business skills you have.

Due to these factors we do not guarantee or imply that you will make any money at all and there is no assurance that you will achieve the results that others might have achieved.

There are always risks involved in any business venture and as such there is no business that will be suitable for everyone.

You need to make your own decisions as to whether you should be investing your time and/or money in any business venture and you should seek the advice of a business professional should you need additional advice.

If you make any decisions based on the information on this site and the products presented on this site then you accept that there is a possibility that you could make no money at all and quite possibly suffer financial losses.

All products and services are for education and informational purposes only so always use caution and seek the advice of a qualified professional before acting on this or any other information.

Due diligence is recommended before proceeding with any business and all information should be independently verified by a qualified professional.

You hereby agree that you accept all responsibility for your own success or failure relating to any information presented on this site and the products and services available from this site.