Friday, November 5, 2010

Acknowledge Your Depression To Heal Yourself

Depression is a sickness that needs to be acknowledged.  You need not have to be ashamed.  Do you know why so many fail to seek for help is that their pride or shame stood in their way to be healed.  Unfortunately, this is this feeling of shame that hinder one from being healed. 

If you are constantly feeling lousy, well-meaning friends might tell you to “snap out of it” or even start to get irritated by your mood. Your depression will worsened because of this negativity and you wonder why you can’t just “snap out of it”. You may then feel and think that there’s something wrong with you because it should be easy and it’s just “not right” that you feel "moody" all the times. Well, it’s not right and there is something wrong with you.
You have a medical ailment and you need treatment in the same way as any other patient. If you had a cold for six months would you ignore it and hope it would pass? No, you would self treat yourself with anything you could find and maybe see a doctor to find out if there’s an underlying reason for it to last so long.

Depression is sadness that lasts much longer. Everyone is sad at some point in their lives but depression is more than that. It is a feeling that you can’t bring yourself up from the bottom. In the end you quit trying. People start to avoid you. You feel worse. You need to find professional help to address this issue like what you do if you had a very bad lingering cold. You could try herbal remedies – there are some in your pharmacy – or you could see your doctor. There may be an underlying physical cause for your depression.

If your regular doctor cannot solve this they may refer you for counselling. Don’t be embarrassed to go for counselling but do make sure you are comfortable with your counsellor. If not, look for another one. Do not stop counseling session just because you are not comfortable with your first choice of practitioner. In your daily life you will find that you get on with some people and disagree  with others. You cannot afford to have a personality clash with your counselor. On the other hand you must be sure that it is a personality clash and not just that you don’t agree with what they are saying. A general rule is to go with your gut feelings. If you like the person and seemed to get on well in the first couple of sessions then stick with it because they might just have touched on the root cause of your problem.

In some instances, facing up to depression may be difficult because you have bear with it so long that you can tell whether it is depression or not. If you have grown accustomed with depression it is possible not to realise that you are actually depressed because you have no concept of how normal people should feel. At times you may feel angry or feel like going to the middle of an empty field and start screaming. You may feel anxious, have trouble sleeping or even sleep too much. You may think that your family would be better off without you (and actually believe that to be true) and may have considered running away or suicide. Most of times you are thinking about death (yours or someone else’s) and not giving yourself permission to be happy just in case…… (or even “I must enjoy this now in case………..”). If you have any feeling listed above then you have to seek help.  Even if it is just a friend or family member to start with, they may advise and encourage you to seek professional help and treatments.

Once you have acknowledged that you have depression please remember that it is a medical illness and can be cured. You don’t have to feel this way for ever. Nobody actually thinks of you the way you think they do. Talk to someone today. Look and accept help and you will find that there is a different way of seeing life.

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Natural Ways To Treat Depression, Are You Sure?

Depression is a medical ailment that distresses the mind, often leaving the person experiencing hopeless feelings, without goal and unable to focus. When not treated, this disorder can adversely hurt academic achievement, family life, friendships and careers. Folks tend to look for help from a mental health doctor who may dispense mood balancing drugs. But most use an alternative form of medication which is a more natural treatment in conjunction with drug therapy. Milder cases of depression can be cured solely with natural remedies without the need for prescription drugs.

Therapy is a great way to restore balance in your life. Asking help from others who have similar problems can offer a support group to discuss issues, understand signs, and improve techniques to feel better. Often talking is very therapeutic and can help stop stress and loneliness, which may cause feelings of depression.

Therapy that includes personal expression has been found to provide an outlet for suppressed feelings and can be a positive way to express deep feelings and emotion. This can take many forms. Dance is a great outlet for this and other movement therapies like  martial arts. Martial arts teach focus, self awareness, and control which can greatly benefit someone agonizing from depression. Using art as a form of therapy is another expressive form of therapy. Even sculpting or painting or any other variation of art, it’s a way to express feelings in a tangible way.

Relaxation techniques help a person focus and gain a sense of serenity. Yoga is an ideal exercise that soothe the body, mind, and spirit. It promotes good health, a positive self image and teaches relaxation. Meditation is also an excellent technique to relax and unwind. It reduces the heart rate and clears the mind, allowing more focused thought. Acupuncture is now very popular option for treating depression. By using various pressure points, it is believed to enable a calming effect and promote a healthier emotional balance. Hypnosis is also getting in popularity as a new form of getting to the root issues of why someone is depressed and transforming them with a sense of well being.

Certain dietary changes and supplements are reported to be helpful in the treatment of depression. Adding fish oil, Zinc and B vitamins are found to help the body regulate chemicals that may trigger depression. Exercise is also very crucial. Being active will re-vitalize the body and keep it fit, promoting a healthier lifestyle and improved self image and self-esteem.  Exercising several times per week can calm the senses and strengthen the body.

Depression does not need to be crippling. Making a few changes to your daily routine will help to give you a sense of well-being and help stop symptoms of depression. If you continue to have feelings of depression or have severe symptoms like suicidal thoughts, immediately consult a health care professional.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Using Medical Professional To Treat Depression

Health care practitioners can treat depressed people. A physician, for one, has also the proper training in treating psychiatric disorders. The same goes with the physician assistant and the nurse practitioner. If the patient is suffering from severe depression, these health care  practitioners will automatically refer the patient to mental health specialists.

The following mental health specialists are  psychiatrist, psychologist, a psychiatric nurse specialist and even a social worker.

The psychiatrist provides treatment and diagnosis to mental and psychiatric patients. A psychologist, on the other hand, is trained for counseling, psychological examination and psychotherapy. The social worker knows counseling to a certain degree, whereas a registered nurse who has taken masterals in psychiatric nursing can help out the patient.

Before the assessment can be made, the health care providers or mental health specialists will question the patient on the following: symptoms, overall health and medical and mental history of the family. A physical exam will be carried out plus some lab tests.

Depression, being an illness, requires huge emotional support from the family. A family member must accompany the patient on doctor visits to give the latter a boost.

During the course of the visit, the doctor will determine if the case is severe, mild or moderate. Depression is severe if the person experiences all the symptoms and if it keeps him from doing all his daily activities. Moderate, if the person has a lot of the symptoms that it hampers his daily movements. It can be classified mild  if the person has some of the depression signs and needs more push to do all the things he desires to do.

No one must undervalue the seriousness of depression. It is a real sickness, and therefore the depressed needs all the help and attention he can get.

As said earlier, you are not alone in this problem. Fortunately, depression, of all psychiatric illnesses, proves to be most treatable. With proper care, more than 80 percent of those experiencing major depression make significant improvement. Even those suffering from severe depression can helped.

Here are some treatments for depression problems:

Psychotherapy There are many methods of therapeutic remedies used for treating depression. The most common are behavioral therapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, rational emotive therapy, and interpersonal therapy. Remedies also include psychodynamic and family approaches. Both the individual and group modalities have been used commonly, but these depend on the severity of one's depression, the financial resources of the person, and resources that are available locally.

Arguably the most prominent therapy is the cognitive behavioral therapy that is commonly used for handling such condition. There are many extensive research and medical studies that are conducted to check or assess the safety as well as the effectiveness in treating depression using this form of therapy.

Considered the father of cognitive behavioral therapy, many written studies and books support this type of therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy uses simple methods that focus primarily on the patient's negative thought patterns. These negative thought patterns are also known as cognitive distortions. A person suffering from depression may from time to time use these cognitive distortions, igniting the condition.

The therapy begins with the establishment of a warm supportive environment for one suffering from depression. Making the patient learn how his or her depression problem may be a result of thinking in cognitive distortions is generally the next step. The kinds of faulty logic and thinking are also addressed in this step (such as "everything or nothing logic," "blame mis-attribution," "overgeneralization," among others) and the person being treated is encouraged to start taking notes of the thoughts he or she has been having as they happen throughout his or her day. This is done for the person to know and realize how often and common this kind of thoughts are occuring.

Using this form of therapy, the main emphasis is placed on understanding the thoughts and behaviors that are connected to this depression problem rather than on the emotions themselves. The reason for this emphasis is that is strongly believed that by changing one's thoughts and subsequently, behaviors, his or her emotions will most likely change as well. Because of this kind of therapy, cognitive-behavioral therapy is often short-term (generally lasts up to a dozen sessions or two only) and suitable for folks that are experiencing some kind of distress that is related to the depression they are having. Individuals that are able to handle a problem using a technique that is unique and therefore are most likely cognitively-oriented could also do well under this approach.

Interpersonal therapy, on the other hand, is also a therapy on a short-term basis used for treating depression. In this kind of treatment, the focus is normally on the social relationships of the patient and discover ways in improving these relationships. It is strongly believed that in order to improve the overall well-being of a person (or the patient in the case); he or she needs to have a stable and good social support.

When a person's relationships become unhealthy, the person would experience this problem. This therapy approach then seeks to improve one's skills in social relationships, expression of one's emotions, assertiveness, and communication skills. This form of therapy is usually done individually but sometimes used in a group therapy setting.

Many individual place more importance on the patient's active personal involvement in recovering from depression. Folks treated under an individual approach are usually enticed and encouraged to finish homework assignments between sessions. If the person is not capable of joining a  therapy sessions actively, then his or her therapist could be the one to first give the patient an environment that supports him or her until the medication starts to  improve his or her state of feelings and mind.

There are no much researches done on Psycho-dynamic or psychoanalytic approaches to be used in treating depression that warrant their use.  But there are some therapists that might adopt psycho-dynamic remedy to help to conceptualize a patient's personality, there are some points raised on how to prove this to be an effective and efficient depression treatment tool.

Couples or family therapy could also be applied if the patient's depression directly affects family relationships. These forms of therapy focus on the interpersonal relationships among family members. In addition, these methods seek to ensure good communication in the family. The roles of the family members in a patient's depression could be examined. Education regarding depression problem in general might also be used as part of the family therapy.

Medication  The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a number of drugs for treating depression. These medicines are sorted into classes; each medication has a unique chemical structure which acts on various chemicals present in the brain.

It is necessary to remember that all medications approved by the FDA to treat depression are effective and recommended but do not work the same effect for everybody.

You might want to work closely with the doctor to find which drug is the best for your condition. Sometimes, conditions may involve having more than just one medication; some work with a mixture of medications.

Warning:  Do not change your medication or discontinue your dosage without asking your doctor.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Using Nature To Treat Depression

Man is the social being with his own development blueprint. He is born with an unique set of thoughts and ideas. He receive compensations for his progress but also got some of the negative aspects like exposure to many sicknesses  that came in the way of his progression. One of this is depression. This is a curable illness and can be treated if discovered at its early stage. There is a natural and herbal remedy.

This depression is one of the illnesses that affect especially the adult population. Regardless  what is your age, where we are from, gender or religious affiliation it can afflict anyone. In fact depression is a mental disease that affect a person and may occur at any moment. As such this person will experienced mood swings.   In this circumstances he will either suffered abnormal feelings or feel normal, which fall in the range of being calm or deep which in turn makes him to get or fell into the grasp of this inhibiting sickness. If a person gets a sudden debilitating attack by this sickness then he is unable to perform his daily activities and this can be classified as the signs of the depressive order. This will eventually leads to personality disorder and lacks in self-improvement.

In the beginning, a person will experience sadness and gloom. But this must not go worsen or he will become incapacitated from his daily activities. So, he should get treated at its initial stage. He may get upset over little things but these should not play a major part to his depression disease. Here is a good news this sickness can be cured with the proper treatment given by the doctor whom you consult for the treatment.

The cause for this depression is not easily found. Earlier it was thought that the main cause was that the man was disturbed with his thoughts and emotions. But there are many factors like biological, environmental and the genetic also. It can happen when a person is afflicted with the chronic diseases that take some time to get cured. There is a possibility of getting affected with this disease when the medication does not cure the affected disease.

One can safely say that he is affected with depression when he has these symptoms like tension, sadness, lack of interest in new things or habits or daily activities, feels tired unnecessarily, inactive in what he does, unable to concentrate, feels guilty about himself, attempts or thinks about suicide.

A depressed person can be cured with the regular intake of the medications which are prescribed by the physician that may be natural or herbal. The patient may need to go for counseling if needed. It is better to focus your attention on the natural or herbal treatments as they don’t have any side effects to you. The debilitating disease can be healed by the natural remedies as they don’t harm you and cures you as soon as possible.

The primary thing what you can do is you can consult the doctor as early as possible. Regular check ups that are needed as this can be determined at this first stage. Perk yourself up with enthusiasm and have confidence in doing the things that are daily activities or others. This depression can be overcome when we encourage the people to be active in their work, thinking. He should have an encouraging environment to overcome this disease.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

5 Easy Ways To Treat Minor Depression Effectively

1.   Consider adopting a pet.

Studies have revealed folks who own pets, including cats or dogs, live a happier and healthier life. The reason is because pets provide companionship and unconditional love, which is one of the reasons that they may help to remove minor cases of depression and/or stress.

2.   A regular fitness regimen may help to treat depression, like walking or a leisurely jog. Experts recommend walking for 30 minutes each day may help to ease stress and anxiety, which often lead to depression, and may also improve cardiovascular health.

3.   Find a hobby that you enjoy.

If you have a lot of time on your hands, consider volunteering at a local hospital or in some type of community activity that offers you personal satisfaction and enjoyment. After all, busy hands are happy hands.

4.   The loss of sleep is one of the major actors of stress and anxiety, which are directly related to depression. In order to enhance the quality of your sleep, make sure that your mattress is comfortable, along with your pillow.

It also help by keeping your bedroom at a comfortable temperature so that you can sleep soundly through the night without being disrupted by hot or cold temperatures.

Lastly, the use of portable air filters will help to remove allergens in the air and will leave your room with a feeling of cleanliness. This may help to remove allergies, which often spoil one's sleep and causes anxiety throughout the day.

5.  Learn the cause of your depression and try to remove it from your life.

Be it your job or a relationship, you may be able to effectively remove the depression by getting away from the cause. If your work is stressful because of the amount of hours spent on the job, consider cutting back on overtime in exchange for more enjoyment at home and with family.

If your schoolwork is too demanding, consider evaluating your courses and which are most important for your education.

If a relationship is what run you nut, try having counseling session for couples or talk with your partner about what is stressing you. If the problem is too huge to handle, try to have  some time apart to access your relationship and see if the depression eases after a trial separation.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. The information contained herein should be used as, in place of or in conjunction with professional medical advice relating to the treatment of depression. Anyone who notices the symptoms of depression, or believe that they may have a problem, should consult a physician for a proper diagnosis and/or treatment recommendation.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

5 Easy Methods To Beat Stress, Depression And Anxiety

Here are 5 easy methods that can help you find relief from stress, depression and anxiety.

1. Take regular breaks from the firing line

Working hard without regular breaks is a great way to build up stress and tension. Make sure you have at least one 15-minute break in the morning and one in the afternoon and at least 20 minutes for lunch. If possible, eat lunch away from your workstation. Equally, if you have a lot to deal with in your life right now, taking a day, or a weekend elsewhere – longer if you can - to get some breathing space will really help. Even just a day away from the firing line will enable you to give you  some breathing space from the problems and help you to gather your thoughts.

2. Regular exercise can help relieve stress, depression and anxiety

Exercise releases endorphins into your system and will give you a natural boost. It will also provide you with a break from brooding and dwelling on difficulties and troubles – but only if you perform the right kind of exercises. Avoid: Exercises that causes you to brood (weight lifting, jogging, treadmills) and perform exercises that require your full concentration. Competitive sports such as squash, tennis, badminton and circuit training are all excellent examples. It is important that you do not brood when you exercise because even though you will be benefiting physically, you are still stressing yourself mentally and the stress, depression and anxiety will worsen.

3. Stop beating yourself up.

Give yourself a break. Self-deprecation creates a lot  of stress, depression and anxiety. Each time you beat up yourself, you will erode confidence and self-esteem. Never tell yourself you’re useless, worthless, stupid, hopeless, boring, ugly, and a loser. Never convince yourself that other people hate you, that others find you difficult to be around and that you’re better off being alone. You would never deem it acceptable to say such things to other people and you must deem it equally unacceptable to say them to yourself. These words and phrases are powerful and they will hurt you. Accept you’re not perfect and that you make mistakes – just like everybody else does – and cut yourself some slack. From this day, make a pact with me to never indulge self-deprecation ever again. IT IS UNACCEPTABLE !

4. Isolation is another problem experienced by stress, depression and anxiety sufferers.

OK, there will be times when you just want your own company. During such times, you can brood over and over again on problems and events and beat yourself up for hours on end. Not good. Instead, use isolation more positively. Occupy your mind by tackling a jigsaw puzzle, a logic problem, a crossword, read a book or perform a hobby such as painting, playing a musical instrument or whatever it is you have an interest in. In this way, isolation will help you to grow instead of causing you further pain.

5. Television, radio and newspapers can all supply you with a daily hit of negativity and help lower your mood. 

On the whole, they focus on the negative side of life: crime, corruption, war, scandal and natural disasters and can give you a distorted view of reality. Not to mention the amount of image manipulation they subject you to. Give yourself a break from this negative drip feed and avoid them completely for one week. You may find, like I have, that they have no place in your life after that. Trust me, you won’t miss them.

This are the 5 easy methods to enable you to overcome stress, depression and anxiety. Please give them a try, they’ll all help to boost your mood levels very quickly indeed.

Copyright 2006 Christopher Green

Friday, October 15, 2010

Here Are Various Depression Treatments

Depression is one of the most common health problem in many countries around the world. Indeed, scientists have concluded that most folks will experienced clinical depression at some stages of their life.  As a result, all folks should at least have some basic knowledge of various  depression treatment regimens currently available. Indeed, when it comes to depression treatment, there are a variety of options available to folks afflicted with this possibly crippling disease.

If a person is suffering from a mild, isolated case of depression, an effective depression treatment routine may include more sleep, a change of diet and increased exercise. In some cases, a combination of these approaches will result in an desired depression treatment effect..

Today many folks are experiencing a more severe attack of depression. In such cases, an effective depression cure must include professional help. When examined by a qualified health care professional, a depression treatment regimen need to combine therapy and medication or in most cases medications is recommended.

Generally an effective treatment course for depression include medications, which help to minimize the impact  of the symptoms that are normally associated with a depressive sickness. With all being said, in most situations, it is very important that a depression treatment program must include therapy. Therapy is a key element in  a depression treatment healing process in most cases to help the suffering patient discovered the root causes of the depressive illness with which he or she is afflicted.

In some situations, a depressive sickness is so severe that a depression treatment process must includes inpatient hospitalization. In these instances, the patient who is hospitalized for a depressive illness will only be confined for a short period of time -- for a matter of days. The purpose of hospitalization as a depression treatment regimen in the 21st century is to stabilize the patient. The long term treatment is done on an outpatient basis. No more are the days (in most cases) where the patient are confined for the purpose of stabilization and intensive treatment in an inpatient depression treatment program.

In recent years, many mental health care professionals have begun to using  EST (electro-shock therapy) for patients who have a more profound depressive disorder. In the 1970s and 1980s, EST as a depression treatment alternative  was scorned by a majority of the mental health care professional community. 

But now the methods used in conjunction with EST have been refined and many doctors are starting to see beneficial results in their patients who are subjected to a depression treatment regimen that includes EST. In fact  EST is used as a last resort in treating the depression of a particular patient which is very severe and unabated over an extended period of time. As with depression treatment programs that include medication, patients who receive EST also participate in a course of therapy to try and find the root causes of the depressive disorder.